Friday, September 7, 2012

Tables are a wonderful thing

Just an update that I have finally noticed and corrected the screwed up table formatting in my  lineup synergy study post here. I you started reading it but were chased off by the broken/nonexistent tables, It is now safe to return.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

And Now For A Word From Our Sponsors...

The Red Sox this season, for however much of a myriad of reasons (injury, poor starting pitching, Chicken and Beer, management, "chemistry", un-clutch performances, defense, bad luck, lack of Chicken-and-Beer, stupidity with regards to pain meds, umpires, Larry Lucchino, etc), have been bad this year. I find this rather frustrating, to the point that right now I do not really want to complain about them and have instead turned to another topic near and dear to my heart (note: sarcasm): awful radio commercials.

I have heard from a former advertiser that good advertising is intended to create a need in the person targeted, and offer a product which would fulfill that need. The creators of some of my "favorites" appear to believe that while that is great and all, just making people remember their name is plenty. This may or may not be true, so in exchange for spreading their brand ever so slightly more, I will say that a purchase from one of these companies is just a little bit more money towards some terrible, lazy, and (to me) irritating advertisers.