Thursday, March 28, 2013

Logical Fallacies are Bullshit, Moron

This was a piece I came up with and wrote out as a joke while attempting to decide on a topic for an argument paper. While it is clearly not of sufficient quality to use in class, I think it fits well here

I like well reasoned and sensible debates. The discussing an idea is good for your brain, it makes you think. It’s fun, too, whether you prefer a quiet back and forth or an elevated shouting match, you can have a an awesome time debating. But it seems to me that these days, they just don’t happen like they used to. You can hardly go down the street and ask someone about the president’s health care policy without the stuck up “educated” twits calling everything you say a “logical fallacy” and laughing you out of the room. What the heck is that all about? These people go to their classes and learn “how to argue,” but really all they know is a bunch of technical stupid stuff. “Logical fallacies” are just made up crap designed to eliminate good discussion, and “teaching” of them needs to be abolished.

I know what I am talking about here. I have been wandering the world for years and years, engaging in constant debates and exchanges of ideas, and not one time has a “logical fallacy” being brought up improved the discussion. Not once. I mean, who cares about that? I can make my point whatever you upperclass loonies want to say about it. What do you know? nothing, thats what. You can have a fair and accurate exchange of ideas, or you can be a jerk and mindlessly ridicule everything I say without a thought to it’s meaning. And nobody likes that second guy.

You know who would have appreciated your “logical fallacy” crap? Hitler, that’s who! Who do you think you are, a red-blooded American or a stinking commie weasel? Do you want this country to collapse into an uncontrollable chaos, with nobody knowing anything but how to call you stupid? Good luck with an intellectual exchange of ideas then! And forget about being a strong country, too. Just look at those stupid French intellectuals, folding like cardboard in the face of even the slightest adversity, each and every single time they try to go to war with someone who has an ounce of sense and the ability to actually discuss ideas, not presentation! America is going nowhere but down if we keep this up.

In fact, I have proof of this. When I started hearing that language from my kids, I made them stop that crap right then and there, and gave their teacher a stern talking to! He tried to fool me with more of the fancy “fallacy” speech, but I let him know for sure what we did not accept that kind of crap around here, and what do you know? Once they were free from these pillars of Fascism, their colds went away, and our puppy finally stopped making a mess of the furniture. Does this “Logical fallacy” stuff really cause illness and misbehaving pets? of course it does! Even mentioning it here makes me sick to my stomach, but I fight on for the greater good. I don’t want to live in a world where everything is tied up in the presentation of key topics, not the values of what is presented. If we cannot advance beyond technicalities, what hope is there for true progress? Such thought is truly the root cause of our economic issues, and will turn the world we live in into another bigger, nastier, and stupider Soviet Union. You, reader, are a sensible individual. Join me, and support the cause. We need to stop this, and stop it now. Join the movement, and save our minds, our lives, and our country.